eNewsletters: Keep It Simple!

Email marketing. Propagation and sharing, promotion and support, optimization and megaphone. Flat vector illustration

Email marketing. Propagation and sharing, promotion and support, optimization and megaphone. Flat vector illustration

Producing a monthly eNewsletter is a great way to stay connected to your current and prospective clients. Of course, as a business owner, creating your newsletter content may seem daunting and tedious. It doesn't have to be! Follow these time-saving tips to help keep yourself on track and in control of your content.

  • Re-purpose/Reuse Content - Reusing existing content or re-purposing it for use in your eNewsletter is a great way to cut down on new material you need to write. If you have a blog post that you know was super popular, let's say in 2012, re-purpose it. Use it as an article in your next newsletter! Remember, just because that post is old news to you; for new subscribers or those that have just found you, it is new information to them.

  • Keep It Simple - You have a lot to share with your audience. Awesome! But, you don't have to give your subscribers the whole cart full of apples at once. Save a few of them apples for next month! Here's a quick example, let's say you have three articles for use in this month's newsletter, but they all seem to have the same concept or topic. Rather than mashing them all together into one newsletter, break the articles up into a series. By doing this, you will have three articles for use in your eNewsletters over the next three months. Win!

  • Concise is Key - This tip is not about saving your own time, but saving the time of your readers. Your readers have opted in to receive your newsletter. They WANT to hear from you. However, having an email hit their inbox that looks like a "wall of text", can be off-putting. Utilize "Read More" tags in your newsletter, especially if you have many sections with lots of content. When using these tags, you simply write some intro text for the article and insert a "Read More" tag. When the reader clicks "Read More" from within the email, the eNewsletter opens up into a new web browser window. And, voila, they can now read the entire article. "Read More" tags, make it easy for your readers to skim through your content and select the information that most interests them. Not sure how to implement a "Read More" tag? No problem! With my updated list of eNewsletter services, I can help!